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The Application Paranoia podcast recently began its fourth season of interviews and discussions around the subjects of application security and DevSecOps, and what better way to start than with a live recording in front of an audience? The 2023 Agile International Conference was the perfect venue, held March 9 and 10 on the campus of Florida International University in Miami, Florida. HCLSoftware was the Diamond Sponsor for the conference, conducting two speaking sessions and hosting several other sessions for the more than 350 attendees present.

One of the two main stage speaking sessions provided the perfect opportunity for Application Paranoia podcast hosts Rob Cuddy and Colin Bell to host this first-ever live recording. They were joined by guests James Grenning, Agile Trainer and Coach at Wingman Software, and David Ralph, Director of Software Engineering at Allvue Systems, for a lively discussion on a wide variety of topics related to Agile Development.

2023 Agile International Conference

Some of the discussion points included the impact agile development has had, the relationship between agile and DevOps, how agile and security are connected, and future innovations around agile.

Agile coach and trainer Marcelo Lopez was in the audience and had some key takeaways from the round-table discussion. He liked David Ralph’s statement that security is “… everyone’s job. DevOps means end-to-end security is a given.” He also enjoyed the lively discussion between Colin Bell and James Grenning around active scanning and mutation testing: “your built-in chaos monkeys.” “The mob before to avoid the mob after” was Rob Cuddy’s playful way of describing the importance of collaborative programming (mob programming) as a way to build software that is less vulnerable to attack.


This podcast recording can be heard in its entirely at or through the Application Paranoia podcast on all the major podcast platforms. Subscribe on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Overcast or on your favorite podcast platform. You can also find Colin, Kris and Rob on Twitter using the handle @AppParanoia.

You can also read more about the entire Agile International Conference, including details from another great presentation on value stream management by Jonathan Harding.

Learn more on the HCL AppScan suite of application security testing solutions.

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