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The latest releases of Leap and Domino Leap came a few weeks ago, with new innovations and improvements right out of the gate.

Our goal is always to release Leap and Domino Leap updates around the same time.  Most of the code is the same.  Just a few platform-specific features are the only differences.  In fact, it’s possible to build on Leap and move your app to Domino Leap – and vice versa! – in most cases.

HCL Leap 9.3.2 
HCL Leap 9.3.2 is now available in an Open Liberty container for deployment in a Kubernetes environment.

This is our first step in taking Leap into a cloud-native model. It simplifies the deployment and maintenance associated with running Leap on a traditional WebSphere deployment.

A second step in this direction will come with the next release, including support for PostgreSQL.  This will provide an open source database option to DB2 and Oracle, which most cloud vendors provide as part of their standard catalog, to help streamline how you run Leap.

Domino Leap 1.1.1 
HCL Domino Leap 1.1.1 now supports attachments in the context of rich text fields (RTFs) that are populated via Domino Database services.  This means that attachments that are placed in the body of a rich text field in Notes will appear in the body of the rich text field in Leap.

In the past, attachments were dropped to the bottom of the field in Leap, causing you to sometimes lose context of their placement in the field.

Custom Widget API Tech Preview
We’re really excited about this part! Both HCL Leap 9.3.2 and Domino Leap 1.1.1 include a tech preview of the new Custom Widget API.

This API gives IT professionals the ability to add new custom widgets to Leap’s pallet.  Do your users need new custom functionality?  Does your organization have an investment in design system and web components that you use across your digital properties?

The Leap Custom Widget API gives you the opportunity to extend Leap to fit your requirements. It’s in tech preview now and if you are interested, we’d like to hear from you.

We are looking for feedback before releasing this as a fully supported product feature.  You can find documentation and a few samples here.



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