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HCLSoftware: Fueling the Digital+ Economy

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It’s been said that the only constant is change — and nowhere is that clearer than in the software industry. What’s less often acknowledged, however, is that for change to be truly evolutionary, it must represent a positive transformation — one that adapts to a changing environment in a consistent, focused way and makes its beneficiaries smarter, faster, more aware, and more resilient.

At HCLSoftware, we focus relentlessly on bringing those evolutionary shifts into reality — delivering transformative solutions that will empower our customers and prospects to thrive in a rapidly changing environment. Successfully delivering these innovative solutions requires bold focus and close attention to the trends that are reshaping the technology landscape — and the expectations of the marketplace.

As we seek the pivotal trends that will determine the direction of technology and the market, we’ve identified four key factors that guide us in charting this future course:

  • Deep digital transformation
  • AI and intelligent automation
  • Data, analytics and insights
  • Enterprise security

These four trends provide a compass to orient our efforts as well as a direction for a better future.

These four forces also offer us an opportunity to rethink how we market and communicate — especially in the wake of the pandemic, which forced businesses to become more digitally focused, changing our approach to interaction and collaboration forever. This shift has driven marketers — ourselves included — toward a new reality, one that’s neither traditional nor simply digital. In this new economy it’s not enough to be a little digital. Companies — and marketers — need an extra spark. We need to be Digital+.

At HCLSoftware, we use world-leading marketing platforms, empowering our teams to be Digital+. And we’re creating partnerships on a global scale that will transform our market presence and drive engagements with radically new experiences. As we adapt and transform, we’re reshaping how we communicate to adapt to this new era of Digital+ marketing. There should be no doubt: HCLSoftware will be fueling the digital business of the future and the Digital+ economy.

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