HCL RTist provides software engineers with feature-rich tools for designing, analyzing, building, debugging and deploying real-time applications.
Supporting the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and its real-time profile (UML-RT), RTist allows developers to design their applications at a higher abstraction level than code.
UML-RT models within HCL RTist can now be examined from different perspectives.
Take for example, the third-party extension MetaModelAgent from Adocus.
If you would like to track potential transitions starting from a specific state, select MetaModelAgent->Show in Trace Tree View->Outgoing References->Potential Transition Paths in the context menu.
A tree view displays the path of all explicitly modeled transitions, and implicit transitions, according to state machine semantics.
If you would like to see an overview of the usage of protocols for all your capsules, select the root elements in all your models and select MetaModelAgent->Show in Trace Matrix View->General UML Guidelines->Compartment Elements->Port in the context menu. A matrix view displays which capsules uses which protocols. The color in the cells indicates the number of ports within the capsule that uses the same protocol. Hovering over the cells reveals the name of the ports.
If you would like to see an overview of all connections where a specific protocol is used. Select the protocol and select MetaModelAgent->Show in Trace Matrix View->All Connectors Using Protocol in the context menu. A matrix view will display all connectors that uses the selected protocol within all loaded models.
If your state machine diagram or composite structure diagram is cluttered and therefor difficult to read. Click on the diagram canvas and select MetaModelAgent->Show in Trace Matrix View->Visible Connections in the context menu.
All the connection between the visible nodes in the diagram will then be displayed in an easy to read matrix view.
If you would like to compare the “size” of your capsules in terms of nested and optionally inherited elements, select all root elements of your models and select MetaModelAgent->Show in Chart View->Nested Element Bar Chart->General UML-RT Extensions->RT Capsule in the context menu.
An empty Chart View will appear where you set the nesting depth of interest and if inherited elements should be included or not. Then press Apply and a colored bar chart will display a bar segment for each kind of nested element within each capsule. Hovering over a bar segment will reveal the elements behind the segment.
Visit HCLRTist to learn more. Click here for more information on MetaModelAgent.
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