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Understanding your customers is not an easy task. It’s like getting into their shoes and comprehending all the interactions, signals, actions and even decisions they are considering in their buying process. Usually, customers look at a product or a brand several times before deciding on an action, known in marketing as touchpoints. The customer journey then proceeds through these touchpoints. We call this process the customer journey.

Customers go through different sets of journeys or series of interactions, e.g., buying journey, welcome journey, return journey, nurture journey, and many others while interacting with your product or service.

Customer Journey Map

Marketers build a customer journey map to understand their customers, be more empathetic, and create better, more helpful experiences, to be able to visualize each step your customer takes from the moment they encounter your brand to when they purchase and how they react afterward to deliver a memorable customer experience. 

With customer journeys becoming more complex than ever, marketers are challenged with figuring out how and where to start their journey planning and execution. So why do you need to reinvent the wheel?

With this release, the platform’s Journey capability makes it easier than ever for marketers to quick start their customer journeys. With a wide range of out-of-the-box industry-specific journey templates such as Credit Card Activation (Banking), Customer Subscription Service (Retail), Contactless Hotel Experience (Hospitality), Handset Upgrade (Telco), Cart Abandonment (Retail), Dynamic eNewsletter (Various Industries), Event Marketing (Hospitality/Entertainment), Increase Walletshare (Various Industries) and Prescription Home Delivery Acquisition Journey (Pharma), marketers can leverage common engagement scenarios and best practices to deliver highly engaging and impactful customer experience.

Unica Journey Accelerator

Managing templates is also now much easier with enhanced search, categorization into folders, and the ability to save, export, and import templates across environments. With added security permissions around journey export and import, a greater degree of control can be enforced as well.

Benefit from Pre-Built Templates

JOURNEY Templates pre-built into the Unica Suite for inspiration to the front line, non-technical marketers to begin building their own journeys.

  • Accelerators come with licensing entitlements for any Unica Suite purchase.
  • Accelerators enable rapid adoption by new users.
  • Accelerators are designed and built based on table stakes marketing requirements for customer journeys.

We organize Accelerators by Vertical Market and essential marketing as some are applicable to many verticals:

  • Marketing Essentials
  • Healthcare
  • Banking
  • Retailing
  • Media Entertainment Telecom
  • Travel

How to import

For importing, this user needs to click on import journey and browse the Journey files e.g., CreditCardActivation.crc,

  • Click on Open Journey file imported successfully.
  • Confirmation dialogue can navigate you to the newly imported Journey.
  • Configure all touchpoints and adjust the delays to suit your customers.
  • Attach appropriate templates, personalize them and you should be able to publish the Journey.

Deep Dive

Unica Journey Accelerator

Let’s understand in detail how the individual accelerators can be interpreted and customized to achieve your goals.

Let’s double-click on one Credit card activation Journey and navigate through it.

As the name suggests this journey welcomes customers and enables customers to activate cards and become active users of their newly acquired credit cards. 

This journey follows customers through each step, including:

  • Card Send
  • Activation of the credit card. 
  • First purchase using the activated credit card. 
  • Usage check of the activated credit card over a 30-day period.
  • Introduction of customers to loyalty using email as the preferred channel of communication.

Here the customer experiences the following Milestones: Card Activated, Made First Purchase, Active Usage. As a marketer, I would be interested in Goals like clicking on activation links and watching a video for activation. Channels getting used are Email, Social Media. And as this journey would keep engaging with customers getting new cards, the time frame for it is Always On.

Now, this can be very well used for any other card activation or service. Journey has out-of-box reports to understand customer behavior, e.g., How much time, on average, people take to activate the card or from activation to the first purchase; if the report shows that its 5 days, then journey can be adapted to send a reminder for all the people who have not activated within 5 days of Card sent.

Here is a list of other templates which are prebuilt and available for you to use.

  • Credit Card Activation
  •  Retail Subscription Service
  •  Telco Handset Upgrade
  • Contactless Hotel
  •  Increase Wallet Share
  •  Cart Abandonment
  •  Dynamic eNewsletter
  •  Event Marketing
  • Prescription Home Delivery Acquisition Journey (developed by Embel Assist)
  • Wellness Program Participation Journey (developed by Ereteam)
  • Cross Channel Welcome Campaign   
  • Loyalty Points Club Mobile App Adoption Journey

How can you contribute?

Business partners develop accelerators like these with a deep understanding of the functionality of different businesses like banking, retail, finance, and others to help marketers build customer journeys of their own. Currently, we have journeys created in partnership with Embel Assist, Ereteam, and other reputed firms. We would even love to collaborate with you and create more such journey templates to help marketers better understand and connect with their customers. You can reach out to us and we would be happy to connect.

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