As you may already be aware, the HCLSoftware New UNICA V12 is out with several new features, amongst them a major feature: The supports for JBoss. This is helping the Unica Marketing Software in maximum uptime. After a long period, HCLSoftware Unica Suite came up with the support of open-source application servers, and this will save a lot of cost of an enterprise.
What is JBOSS?
The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (or JBoss EAP) is a subscription-based/open-source Java EE-based application server runtime platform used for building, deploying, and hosting highly-transactional Java applications and services. The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform is part of the JBoss Enterprise Middleware portfolio of software. As it is Java-based, the application server operates across platforms; it is usable on any operating system that supports Java. The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform was developed by JBoss, now a division of Red Hat.
JBoss is Red Hat’s Application server, also known as Wildly. It is an open-source alternative to commercial offerings from IBM WebSphere and Oracle WebLogic. The application server is an open-source platform, used for implementing Java applications and a wide variety of other software applications. The Application Server is cross-platform, easy to install, and use on any operating system that supports Java. You can run the JBoss application server on Linux, Unix, OS X, and Windows.
Benefits of JBOSS with UNICA
- It’s an Open Source. Open-source is generally counted as a win. JBOSS is free and readily available to anyone willing to download it.
- It’s a lightweight application. JBOSS is a lightweight application that offers the most basic functionality necessary to run a server, meaning it provides relatively quick load and redeploys times compared to others.
- It’s More Flexible. There are very few steps to follow for the deployment of applications as well as the configuration after deployment as compared to others.
- Compatibility. JBOSS is compatible with all Operating systems and databases.
Where we can get the JBOSS installer?
The installer is easily available on the internet and you can download it for free. To download you just need to create a new account which is free. You can download it from the link below.
Before installing the Application Server you must have JAVA installed. Since JBoss is pure Java you can have it working on any Operating System / Platform that supports Java. For Version 12 you should have JDK 1.8 installed on the system and supported operating system.
We can now start with the installation of JBoss.
Steps to install JBoss
1. Run the jar file(jboss-eap-7.1.0-installer) on the window’s machine. It will start the installation. Run the command java -jar jboss-eap-7.1.0-installer.jar on Linux machine.
Make Sure you have JAVA installed on your machine and PATH is set in Environment Variables.
2. Click OK.
3. Give the installation Path.
4. Select the component.
5. Create Admin User and click next.
6. It will show the components installation as successful.
7. It will then ask for Runtime Configuration. Select the configurations as below.
NOTE: You can also select Perform default configuration and add the data source afterward.
8. We have to then set up a JDBC driver. Select Driver Vendor as Oracle. Then provide the jar file path, if you have any additional jar just click on Add Additional jar.
NOTE: We can add the jar files after installation also if we have selected the Perform default configuration in the above steps.
9. Now we have to set up the platform data source as we have checked install data source in step 7. Set the configurations as mentioned below. JNDI should start with java:/[JNDI NAME]. Change the Security type as Username and Password.
After the successful data source connection, just click ok TEST DATASOURCE CONNECTION.
10. You will get the below screen once the processing is finished.
11. You just need to click on Done.
How to test JBOSS installation is successful or not?
Navigate to JBOSS_HOME/bin folder and run standalone.bat to start the JBOSS console and check as below.
WFLYSRV0060: Http management interface listening on
WFLYSRV0051: Admin console listening on
WFLYSRV0026: JBoss EAP 7.1.0.GA (WildFly Core 3.0.10.Final-redhat-1) started in 98623ms – Started 2868 of 3104 services (364 services are lazy, passive or on-demand) Also, Admin console listening on
Just open or https://localhost:8080
Provide the User Name and Password which we have created while installation.
This is how the JBoss Admin Console looks like.
Configuration of JBOSS
1. Navigate to Configuration->Subsystem->Data source->Non-XA. You will get the Platform data source already present as we have created while installation.
If you want to change the configurations of Data source you can click on Platform Data source.
2. Now to add the Campaign Data source,
a. Navigate to Configurations->Sub system->data sources->Non-XA->Add
b. Select Oracle.
c. Give the JNDI name for Campaign
d. To select a JDBC Driver, Click on detected and Select ojdbc8.jar
NOTE-Detected Driver will only display if you have jar file under Deployment.
e. Now give the user name and password. Make sure your JDBC URL is correct
f. Test the connection now. It should be successful.
3. Steps to configure JVM.
How to set the heap size and JVM arguments?
In Windows
set "JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1G -Xmx1G -XX:MetaspaceSize=4096M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=8192M -Dcampign.ehcache.path=D:\JBOSSUnica\Campaign\conf\ -DCAMPAIGN_HOME=D:\JBOSSUnica\Campaign -DOFFER_HOME=D:\HCL\JBOSSUnica\CentralizedOffers -Doffer.ehcache.path=D:\JBOSSUnica\CentralizedOffer\conf\"
In Linux
# Specify options to pass to the Java VM. if [ "x$JAVA_OPTS" = "x" ]; then JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1303m -Xmx1303m -XX:MetaspaceSize=2048M - XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=4096m -Dcampign.ehcache.path=D:\JBOSSUnica\Campaign\conf\ -DCAMPAIGN_HOME=D:\JBOSSUnica\Campaign -DOFFER_HOME=D:\HCL\JBOSSUnica\CentralizedOffers -Doffer.ehcache.path=D:\JBOSSUnica\CentralizedOffer\conf\"
Installation of EMM Suite
While installing the EMM Suite make sure to do the following changes.
How to Deploy War files in JBOSS?
1. Open the console
2. Navigate to Deployment->Add
3. Select Upload a new deployment option and click on Next.
4. Choose file and click next.
5. Click Finish and it will start the deployment
After deployment, if you check under Deployment you can get the unica.war file.
Follow the same steps for all war files.
To check the UNICA Application is up or not. Make sure your JBOSS is up and running. Below is the Application URL.
And, you have successfully deployed the war files using JBoss.
You can always reach out to our support community, for any Unica related questions, at any time Contact Us
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