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Z and I Emulator for Web (‘ZIEWeb’ or ‘ZIE for Web’) is a browser-based multi-platform application that is designed to be compatible with a wide range of browsers and operating systems. The product is tested with all the available versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and other browsers to ensure that Users continue to have reliable access to host systems with benefits of browser-based technology.

Salient features of ZIE for Web:

  • Multi-platform browser-based emulator
  • API Support
  • Support for IBM system Z and I
  • Language support English and Japanese
  • Transport Layer Security(TLS)

Installing ZIE for Web

ZIE for Web can be installed on all the supported platforms using Installation Manager.

  1. Select File > Preferences.

install zie

2. Select Repositories in the left panel. This option shows all the available repositories that have been added to the Installation Manager.

zie repositories

3. If HCL ZIE for Web is not listed, then Select the Add Repository button on the right side.

4. Click Browse and navigate to the location of the extracted HCL ZIE WEB path and select the diskTag.inf file present in disk1 folder.

disktag file

5. Click OK, to add the new repository location to the list.

6. Click Test Connections to ensure that the Repository URL is available.

7. From the Home page of the Installation Manager, click Install. The Installation Manager searches the defined repositories for available packages.

installation manager

8. Select theZ and I Emulator for Web’ package. Click Next.

zie install packages

9. Read the license agreements. If you agree to the terms of the license agreement, select the checkbox against ‘I accept the terms of the license agreement’, and then click Next to continue.

10. Select the required architecture and click on Next.

11. Select the languages that you want to install. The default language is English. Click Next.

12. Review your selection and provide the details for Z and I Emulator for Web.

  1. In the Publish Information panel under Z and I Emulator for Web, set the Publish directory, specify the web-server alias and the Service Manager Port number. Click Next. The publish directory stores files must be available to clients. The install wizard informs you to designate your publish directory by displaying the default directory. Perform the following steps.
  1. Specify an alias for the directory (The default value is zie).
  2. Specify the Service Manager port, through which ZIEWeb clients communicate with the Service Manager. This communication is necessary for the following deployment options:
  • Using the configuration server to maintain session configuration information like in the configuration server-based and combined deployment models.
  • License-Use Counting: refer to License Usage in the online help.
  • HCL recommends designating port 8999 for these purposes. (Check your server documentation to see if this port is being used. If it is in use, you can change the port during the installation or later. For more information about changing the Service Manager port, see Changing the Service Manager’s configuration port in the online help.)

configuration for zie for web


b. On Web server panel under Z and I Emulator for Web, select the web-server option appropriate for your requirement as below:

  1. Select No Web Server if you configure the web server manually. This is recommended for web servers like IPlanet and Lotus Domino. For more details, you are advised to contact your web server Administrator or refer to the web server documentation.
  2. Select the option ‘Select from list of detected web server’ and then choose the web-server from the list if more than one is detected.
  3. Select the option Manually select specific web server, in case an IBM HTTP Server or Apache web-server is installed but not detected.
    • Select the type of web server that is installed on your system.
    • Click on the Browse button and navigate to the configuration file (httpd.conf) for the web server installed in your system. You can alternatively type the complete path of the httpd.conf file from the web server installation directory, into the field.

manually select web server


iv. For Embedded Web server, by default Embedded Web server port number for non-secure and secure connection are 8080 and 8443 respectively, which can be modified based on your preference.

embedded web server

c. Once the panels are appropriately updated, click Next.

13. Review the summary information and then click Install.

disk space information

14. Once the installation completes, a summary page is displayed. Review the messages.

  • If the installation is successful, the program displays a message indicating that the packages are installed. The program might also display important post-installation instructions. Click Finish.
  • If the installation is not successful, click View Log File to troubleshoot the problem.

packages are installed

15. To ensure the install is completed successfully, you can take the following additional actions:

  • Restart the web server.
  • Ensure that HCL ZIE for Web pages are accessible over the browser. If not, check the web server configuration and ensure that files in the HCL ZIE WEB publish directory are accessible. Refer to your web server documentation for the configuration details.



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  |  October 27, 2022
The ZIE for Web-Client provides an additional capability to handle the Host function keys in a customized way.
  |  November 24, 2021
Session Manager API In Z and I Emulator for Web Client
HCL ZIE for Web Client reads the existing session definitions from the Z and I Emulator for the Web server and allows users to connect to their System z and System I hosts.
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