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The session definitions are defined by an Administrator. Users can modify the session properties at the client-side by Overriding HTML parameters. The overridden values take precedence over the initial session properties set up by the administrator. The overridden property is locked, so the user can’t change it.

The list of specific session properties that can be overridden is:

Parameter name Description Valid values
Host Hostname or IP address of the target server. Appears as “Destination address” on property panels. Applies to all session types. Hostname or IP address.
HostBackup1 Hostname or IP address of the backup1 server. Appears as “Destination address” of backup1on property panels. Applies to all session types. Hostname or IP address.
HostBackup2 Hostname or IP address of the backup2 server. Appears as “Destination address” of backup2on property panels. Applies to all session types. Hostname or IP address.
Port The port number on which the target server is listening. Appears as “Destination port” on property panels. Applies to all session types. Any valid TCP/IP port number.
PortBackup1 The port number on which the backup1 server is listening. Appears as “Destination port” of backup1 on property panels. Applies to all session types. Any valid TCP/IP port number.
PortBackup2 The port number on which the backup2 server is listening. Appears as “Destination port” of backup2 on property panels. Applies to all session types. Any valid TCP/IP port number.
CodePage The codepage of the server to which the session will connect. Appears as “Host Code-Page” on property panels. Applies to all session types except FTP. The numeric portion (for example, 037) of the supported host codepage listed in the session property panel.
LUName The name of the LU or LU Pool, defined at the target server, to which user want this session to connect. Appears as “LU or Pool Name” on property panels. Applies to 3270 Display and 3270 Printer session types. The name of an LU or LU Pool.
LUNameBackup1 The name of the LU or LU Pool, defined at the backup1 server, to which user want this session to connect. Appears as “LU or Pool Name” of backup1 on property panels. Applies to 3270 Display and 3270 Printer session types. The name of an LU or LU Pool.
LUNameBackup2 The name of the LU or LU Pool, defined at the backup2 server, to which user want this session to connect. Appears as “LU or Pool Name” of backup2 on property panels. Applies to 3270 Display and 3270 Printer session types. The name of an LU or LU Pool.
WorkstationID The name of this workstation. Appears as “Workstation ID” on property panels. Applies to 5250 Display and 5250 Print session types. A unique name for this workstation.
ScreenSize Defines the number of rows and columns on the screen. Appears as “Screen Size” on property panels. Applies to 3270 Display, 5250 Display, and VT Display session types. ·        value=rows x columns


·        2=24×80 (3270, 5250, VT)

·        3=32×80 (3270)

·        4=43×80 (3270)

·        5=27×132 (3270, 5250)

·        6=24×132 (VT)

·        7=36×80 (VT)

·        8=36×132 (VT)

·        9=48×80 (VT)

·        10=48×132 (VT)

·        11=72×80 (VT)

·        12=72×132 (VT)

·        13=144×80 (VT)

·        14=144×132 (VT)

·        15=25×80 (VT)

·        16=25×132 (VT)

·        17 = 62×160


Steps to modify the session properties:

An administrator can set the session properties using one of the below 3 approaches,

  1. By setting the parameters in the Deployment Wizard.
    • Include an HTML parameter EnableHTMLOverrides and set it to true. (In DW, Advanced options -> HTML parameters).
    • Include an HTML parameter TargettedSessionList, having a value of the exact name of the session to accept overrides. (In DW, Advanced options -> HTML parameters).

2. By setting the parameters via Session managers API (using one of the options below)

A) Create json array and pass it to the below method.

        For Example :

Var hod_applet = new hod_session();

Var json_object = {“host”:”host_address”,”port”:”23”}


B) Create json array repetitively calling below function, and Pass json object to ZIE for Web Client using below API.

      For Example :

Var hod_applet = new hod_session();

hod_applet.setHTMLParametersToOverride(“HOST”,”HOST ADDRESS”);

hod_applet.setHTMLParametersToOverride (“port”,”12175”); etc

hod_applet.setHTMLParametersToOverride(); //finally this is to call set method.

      Limitation: With session manager API (Application Programming Interfaces), this will not work with auto start sessions.

  3. By Using custom JSP code. (Custom UX)

In the template file, update hHod_AppletParams variable with all the custom parameters.


hHod_AppletParams[“host”] = “host_address”;

hHod_AppletParams[“port”] = “port_number”;


The JSON array created by the admin does not work with custom JSP.

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