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Z and I Emulator for Web (ZIEWeb) Desktop Client is a new ZIEWeb client which can be installed on all supported client platforms for ZIEWeb. Instead of using system JRE, ZIEWeb Desktop Client comes with its own OpenJDK, which loads the ZIEWeb desktop faster. This can be used to connect to a ZIEWeb server.

  • Local profile: In local mode, it can be used as a native, independent application. Users can create sessions of their own.
  • Remote profile: In remote mode, it can connect to a centralized server where the session definitions are maintained, and HTML pages are created by using the Deployment Wizard.


  1. The version number shown within the ZIEWeb Desktop Client panels (About Panel and Java console) denote the ZIEWeb Desktop Client version and not the ZIEWeb Server.
  2. ZIEWeb Desktop Client packages are downloaded to the user’s system based on the type of client used as follows:

For a Windows Client, .msi package is downloaded.

For a rel client, .rpm package is downloaded.

For an Ubuntu client, Debian package is downloaded.

Using the ZIEWeb Desktop Client

After installing the ZIEWeb Desktop Client, when the application starts, Users will be presented with a ‘Welcome’ page that has the following two options:

  1. Local Profile – allows users to access ZIEWeb local profile.
  2. Remote Profile – allows users to access administrator managed pages such as HTML – based model, Configuration server-based models, and Combined models.

Z and I Emulator for Web Desktop Client

Local Profile:

If users select the ‘Local Profile’ option on the Welcome page, the ZIEWeb Local Profile is displayed. If users have used ZIEWeb Local Profile before, all configurations will be loaded, and sessions will appear as it is, and users can operate as before.

Z and I Emulator for Web Desktop Client

Users can click on the ‘Home’ button to go back to the Welcome Page in case they want to change their mode of access.

Remote Profile:

If users select the ‘Remote profile’ option on the Welcome Page, they will be navigated to the Configuration Page.

Z and I Emulator for Web Desktop Client

On the configuration page, users are expected to enter the following information:

  1. Server Address – Address of the server where HTML and config pages are available. (Example – https://localhost)
  2. Alias – zie_alias name. zie_alias is the alias (or path) of the publish directory.
  3. Web Server Port – Port number on which web server is configured.

All 3 fields are mandatory to navigate to the next page. Unless all fields are filled, the ‘Next’ button will not be enabled.

Note: The ‘Web Server Port’ field allows only numbers with a maximum length of 5 digits.

Page Type:

On this page, users are expected to select from the 2 options.

Z and I Emulator for Web Desktop Client

Based on the selected options, Remote Profile will connect to the already existing HTML pages or config pages.

  • Work with Pre-configured HTML pages
  • Connect to server directly

Wizard buttons:

IBM Managed Host On-Demand Wizard Buttons

Cancel – Prompts to Cancel the operation and close the wizard.

Back – Navigates back to the previous page.

 NextNavigates to the next page.

Work with Pre-Configured HTML pages:

If the user selects the option to Work with Pre-Configured HTML pages and clicks on the ‘Next’ Button, Remote Profile will display a History list of up to 10 of the previously accessed pages under the ‘Recently opened’ section. The User can either select a page from the displayed list or search for a required page using the search box.

After selecting the required page, click on the ‘Next’ button to launch the selected page and connect to any of the sessions that are configured for this page.

Z and I Emulator for Web Desktop Client

Z and I Emulator for Web Desktop Client

Connect to server directly:

If the user selects the option ‘Connect to server directly’, and clicks on the Next Button, the ‘Z & I Emulator for Web’ Login page is presented to the user to log on and launch a configured session using the login credentials or go back to the ‘Home’ page.

Z and I Emulator for Web Desktop Client

Z and I Emulator for Web Desktop Client


  1. ZIEWeb Desktop Client shortcut on the desktop does not get created when installed on Linux based operating system.
  2. ZIEWeb Desktop Client works only on 64-bit operating systems.
  3. The server address, alias, and port number entered by the users are not validated. If the details are correct, only then the page appears. Otherwise, an appropriate Error is shown to the users.
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Session Manager API In Z and I Emulator for Web Client
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